Kristin H.
Community Designer
I’m not an expert. On anything, really. Since the dawn of social media, I’ve refrained from posting details of my personal life as I questioned whether what I had to say would actually impact the lives of others. It just seemed pointless and polarizing. Life is complicated. Not every opinion is right, is purposeful or should be said and I doubt you’ll change anyone’s mind on social media. But, people matter, regardless of opinion, belief, race, gender or political stance. Love and mercy are the only way to conquer our divide. So I’ve decided to throw my hopes and dreams into the void, praying for the opportunity to spread truth, love, and light through Jesus. As I stumble through this new chapter in my life, I’m taking a leap of faith that what we create will bring restoration to at least one person.
Oh, and I love Jesus, trying new things, traveling to places unknown, being in the sun and on the water in any way possible, and adventuring with my husband in life's endeavors.

Amanda C.
Community Designer
John 21:17 NLT
"A third time he asked him, 'Simon son of John, do you love me?'
Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, 'Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.'
Jesus said, 'Then feed my sheep.'"
I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt and friend. But most importantly, I am just a lover and follower of Christ doing my best to feed His sheep. My walk with God has not always been a straight path. I have strayed and sinned, but like the prodigal son, I have returned and repented! One thing I have never lost through my journey though, is my heart for people and serving others. I believe in putting others' needs before my own, loving the sinner and hating the sin, nobody is too far for Jesus to reach and that Jesus saves! It is my prayer that through this ministry we can encourage love and support for one another, replace fear and anxiety with hope and faith, grow a community of people that are on fire for God and ready to serve and lead the lost to His kingdom!